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Ma Integration – Managing the Integration of Work Streams


Ma integration is a mathematical process that employs the integral formula in order to determine areas of objects that vary in dimensions. The formula is often employed in engineering and physics to calculate the center of gravity, mass moment of inertia, and the kinetic energy that moving objects generate. It can also be used to determine the speed of an item and its trajectory.

Integrating work streams requires committed and visible leadership and clear communication processes. Cultural conflicts are a common reason for integration failure for example, a shift from an acute care mentality to a more population-based approach (Hardy and others). 1999; Coburn, 2001). Successful integration requires leaders to promote and promote a shared vision across the whole company, while also fostering an environment that is supportive of it.

The loss of key talent is one of the biggest challenges of integration. The lag between the new organizational structures and leadership, and the inability of addressing cultural issues can cause highly skilled executives to leave to pursue other opportunities. This loss can be minimized by ensuring the leadership team stays intact during the transition as well as by creating a system for employee identification that is based on skills than seniority.

Internal newsletters, project management tools and interactive platforms can all be used to inform stakeholders of the progress made on integration milestones and allowing stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback. Meetings with stakeholders are an excellent method to communicate, keep momentum, and establish trust and involvement. Regular updates keep employees engaged in the process and highlight how the integration has improved the business’s performance and added shareholder value.

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